

La Maison des Soeurs Macarons Press

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Site owner:  SARL Genot – 21 rue Gambetta – F.54000 Nancy
Phone: – Fax:
Email: info@macaron-de-nancy.com
SIRET no. (company registration no.): 38067156000023
Register of Commerce no.: Nancy B 380671 560
APE code: 1071D
SARL with company capital of €15,264
VAT no.: FR 33 380 671 560

Publication manager: Nicolas Genot

Hosted by: Online SAS – BP 438 – 75366 Paris CEDEX 08
Managed by: Agence SW


1. Definitions

Author: any physical person who has created material present on this site, especially authors of texts, graphic artists, layout artists and designers of the tree structure. Browser: client software used to access websites.
Producer: Site owner, in accordance with article L.341-1 para.1 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Site: All the resources accessible under the domain name macaron-de-nancy.com
User: Visitor to this Site, accessing its information.

2. Database rights

2.1 The entire site is defined as a database within the meaning of the directive of 11 March 1996 and its transposition into French law by the law of 1 July 1998 (article L.341-1 and following). The producer therefore authorises only the uses and accesses defined in paragraph 3 Copyright below.
2.2 Any use or extraction of materials from the Site not authorized by the Producer is illegal and punishable as an infringement offence as described below.

3. Copyright

3.1 All elements of the Site, including graphics, wallpapers, images, logos, bullets and signage elements, are also subject to the Producer’s intellectual property rights under the copyright on these elements or on the site as a work of authorship or as a database.
3.2 All texts reproduced on the Site are the property of their authors. Their use is subject to the usual copyright conditions, as defined by the French Intellectual Property Code, and in compliance with the Berne Convention and subsequent international agreements, subject to the provisions of the following paragraph.
3.3 Any other use of the content present on the Site requires the agreement of the Producer and the Authors concerned.
3.4 Any use, even for private purposes, of all or a significant part of the Site requires the agreement of the database Producer, in accordance with the provisions of article L.342-1 of the Intellectual Property Code.
3.5 Any breach of copyright or database rights is subject to criminal penalties for infringement, without prejudice to any claims for damages by the copyright owners.

4. Trademarks

All trademarks mentioned on this Site belong to the organisations that have registered them and are only mentioned for identification purposes.

5. Hypertext links to this site

Any insertion of hypertext links to any page whatsoever of this Site is freely allowed, on condition that these open a new window and are presented unequivocally in order to avoid:
– any risk of confusion between the linking site and this Site
– any tendentious or illegal representation

6. Personal data – Declaration to the CNIL (French data protection board)

6.1 Purpose of processing the data collected: In accordance with article 32 of the law of 6 January 1978, personal data is collected exclusively for internal use.
6.2 Controller: The Site owner mentioned above.
6.3 Access rights: The access and rectification rights provided for by law may be exercised at the address mentioned above.
6.4 Site declaration: This Site and the associated data processing have been declared to the CNIL under declaration no. 1492886.

7. Responsibility

7.1 The contents presented on the Site are the sole responsibility of their Authors. The information, comments and opinions therein are the responsibility of their authors only, and the Producer shall not be held liable for them.
7.2 The Producer shall not be held responsible for any material errors that have inadvertently appeared in the documents presented on the Site, despite all the care taken with their publication.
7.3 Neither shall the Producer be held responsible for the information, comments and opinions made on sites to which it points by hypertext links and over which it has no editorial control.
7.4 Neither may the Producer be held responsible for defective data transmission due to the various Internet networks or to incompatibility with the User’s Browser.