par laurent-asw | Fév 1, 2017 | International press
La Maison des Soeurs Macarons takes part of « Le Grand Atelier » as a company of gastronomy Living Heritage. This event aims to present a selection of the best craftsmen, the jewels of the French art of living in the famous Harrods store in the heart of London. Read...
par laurent-asw | Sep 1, 2016 | National press
An Art Nouveau stroll in Nancy Report on an exploration of Nancy. The Maison des Soeurs Macarons (The House of the Macaroon Sisters) was part of the visit.
par laurent-asw | Avr 23, 2016 | National press
The secret of Nancy macaroons Watch the video about Nancy macaroons, on the Télématin show, broadcast on France 2 on Saturday the 23rd of April.
par laurent-asw | Juil 26, 2013 | Regional press
« The macaroon, star of the USA » Column by Yannick VERNINI Last month, Nicolas Génot returned from London. The baker who runs the Maison des Soeurs Macarons had presented his bergamot sweets at Harrods, in an area showcasing the finest French craftmanship. This time,...
par laurent-asw | Juil 22, 2013 | International press
Fads Aside, the Perfect Macaron Is Timeless Article published the 22 of July in the printed edition of the newspaper, you can read the article by ELAINE SCIOLINO on NY Times website.